
Showing posts from May, 2017

My Latest Tape Weaving

Graduate school interferes with what's really important--sewing, knitting, weaving, tatting, etc. I have actually been crafting here and there, but rarely sharing pictures on my blog. I realized that I never shared these pictures of tape that I wove last year, so here they are! I have woven more tapes recently, but have not taken pictures yet. All of these tapes are made with 16/2 linen thread. This green and white one is about half an inch wide. It's not copied from or inspired by an original. Next, here's a brown, orange, and tan tape. It is inspired by one in the Schwenkfelder Library and Heritage Center. The original red cotton with white and blue linen used as apron ties. It is item 1916.01.05, online at This red, white, and blue tape is copied from a Schwenkfelder tape; catalog number  2006.14.09 at