
Showing posts from October, 2015

Whoa, that's intense, dude!

 In-tents, that is. Two years ago, I made this tent for my cat: , and all three of my cats loved it so much that I had to make more. The plans languished for a long time. It was surprisingly hard to find hula hoops to make the tent frames. After many months, I finally found some that were small and cheap enough, but the project languished even longer because it's frivolous and I always have more important sewing projects (sorry, cats). Then one of my favorite blogs, Cation Designs, decided to host a cat themed sew-along this month: . I just read the post last week and was immediately inspired to make more cat tents. I hate to be a typical modern American and complain about how busy I am, but honestly, I am quite overwhelmed lately. However, this is such a simple project and the thought of participating in...

18th Century Hunting Shirt

This hunting shirt is the first that I've tried to make. It went very well because I had help from an expert, but there were some small issues that I'd like to record for future reference. I entered this project in the Historical Sew Monthly ( )  for September, so I'll start with the information for the challenge. The Challenge: Color Challenge Brown Fabric:100% linen, unbleached tow linen shirting Pattern: None--I used Neal Hurst's thesis, "Kind of armour, being peculiar to America: The American Hunting Shirt" (, images including "The Surrender of General Burgoyne" by John Trumbull (, and input from my sewing advisor. Year: 1770's, though it can be used for about 1750-1800 ...